Thursday, September 15, 2016

Animated Kid's Bible + Visual Bible 3-Episode Set!

Entertain your kids with this gift of the Bible. Ideal for the whole family..


The Gospel of John : 1 DVD.  The best-loved of the four Gospels, The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John, vividly comes to life in a faithful and powerful dramatization of the Biblical text. The Gospel of John meticulously re-recreates the era of Jesus during a tumultuous period that changed the course of history.  The Gospel of John has been adapted for the screen, word-for-word, based on the American Bible Society's Good News Bible. 


The Visual Bible's Matthew: 1 DVD.  This powerful and entertaining film is taken word for word from the text of the New International Version translation. This multi-million dollar production appeals to all ages, and it offers educational, spiritual and entertainment value..


Visual Bible: Acts 2-DVD Set Journey with the physician Luke (Dean Jones) as he tells the enthralling story of danger, struggles, and triumph that marks the birth of the Christian church. Share the times of mystery and wonder that follow the resurrection of Jesus. "The goal of The Visual Bible is to put the entire Bible on film using only Scripture to tell the story." Walk with the risen Lord. Watch as He is taken up into heaven. Experience the transforming power of Pentecost and catch the fire as God uses the passion of Peter (James Brolin) and John (Andre` Jacobs) to send the flame of faith racing throughout Jerusalem and around the world. Luke's powerful narrative brings to vivid life the compassionate love that unites believers across the ages.


Animated Kid's Bible 3 DVD


The only Bible Collection of its kind!


The classic stories from Genesis, the first book of the Bible, record God's creation of the world and 

His desire to have a people set apart to worship Him. Genesis sets the stage for the entire Bible. It reveals the person and nature of God (Creator, Sustainer, Judge, Redeemer) and the value and dignity of human beings made in God's image, saved by grace and used by God throughout the world.


Program 1:  Adam and Eve: The Creation Story God creates the world in six days and all living things and gives it to Adam and Eve. We learn God created us and we are valuable in His eyes.


Program 2:  Noah's Ark: The Voyage  God decides to wipe evil from the earth with a mighty flood. God tells Noah to build an ark and take two of every animal, giving humanity another chance.


Program 3:  Tower of Babel:  Towering Pride & True Lies Noah's grandson, King Nimrod becomes arrogant and challenges God by building a tower reaching to the heavens.


Program 4:  Sodom & Gomorrah: Rain of Fire  Angels tell Lot, Abraham s cousin, to flee the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and never look back as they are to be destroyed.


Program 5:  Abraham & His Sons: Brothers At War Abraham's son, Isaac has twin boys, Jacob and Esau who are destined to grow into rival nations. 


Program 6:  Joseph & His Brothers: The Dream Reader Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers and thrown into an Egyptian jail. God gives him the ability to interpret dreams and soon he becomes the second most powerful man in Egypt. 



The 7 DVD set cost Ksh. 2,600. More available products in the attached catalog.


If you work within Nairobi CBD and its environs, we do free delivery. Reply with your phone number and office location and when you want it delivered to you! For more info contact Winnie 0721 951 748, Francis 0721 663 208

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