Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Rising Girls Mentorship Workshop - August 2016 Edition

Dear Parent/ guardian

The world is changing and as our children grow they are exposed to so many sources of information from the many platforms available now while still young. We therefore appreciate that we need to talk to them and get them grounded on solid principles that prepares them to face the world, listen to their concerns, inspire them to dream big, and set goals that can be their small steps towards leadership.

Towards that end, we have organized a one day workshop for girls between 8 – 15 years on 27th August at Parklands Sports Club, from 8:30am - 4:00pm.

The workshop will cover the following topics

  • Self Awareness
  • Self confidence
  • Relationships management
  • Goal setting and monitoring
  • Talent discovery and nurturing
  • Dealing with peer pressure
  • Time Management

The cost is Ksh. 3,500 inclusive of meals and stationery.

If you are interested in signing up your daughter the this workshop, RSVP or 0702875810 | excellentwomenkenya@gmail.com. Only 18 slots available.


Workshop Facilitators

Facilitator/Mentors Profile


Josephine Ndambuki

Josephine is a Fiber optics specialist with five years’ experience working with the largest telecommunication company in Kenya, Safaricom. She is a co-founder and a director of the League of Young Professionals of Kenya, an organization that brings together young professionals from diverse fields together to interact, network and to collectively pursue ventures, that meets their financial and professional needs while giving back to the community. Josephine was nominated as one of the top 40 women under 40 by the business daily in 2014. And as an emerging global change leader in 2011 by the COADY Institute of women leadership and CIDA,

She participated in the TechWomen 2013 Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and continues to mentor more women to take up women in technology related careers in Kenya.

Josephine is a trustee of the Safaricom Foundation, a co-coordinator of Safaricom Women in Technology, a board member of the Safaricom Sacco, and a Rotarian of the Rotary Club of Nairobi North. Josephine is also a mentor with the YALI Leadership center East Africa and GGBC.


Mercy Wanjohi

Is a Certified Work Place Coach (CDI-A) currently seconded to Nairobi county by Public service commission. She is a HR and Gaming consultant with Wamcy consultants. She is a board member in charge of Human Resources at Gamafrica an NGO working toward eliminating Alcoholism in Kenya.

She is passionate about empowering people and she does this through coaching the youth and those who feel stuck in their careers or businesses and would like to shape up and shift to their passions

Gladys Muhunyo

Gladys Muhunyo is currently Director of Strategy and Business Development at Tangazoletu Limited a Kenyan Information Communications Technology (ICT) firm leading in provision of Mobile Applications in the region with tailor made solutions for the Banking, Savings and Credit Societies, Health care, Telecommunications, Aviation and other industries as well. She was until her move the director of Africa programs at Computer aid international where she provided oversight of the organization’s expanding programs across Africa.   Gladys is an organization development expert and a board member of Akirachix. She has a passion for mentorship and mentored many successful women in industry today.



Workshop Flier

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